You raise a good point that if other political villains have not been searched by ICC, then why should Israeli PM be. There is always some politics in these decisions. And if you followed the follow-up after you published (the recent statement of Poland that after all, Netanyahu can come) that is also a political, not moral, decision. This or that way, Auschwitz will be abused by politicians of all kinds, and over the past years this has happened increasingly (Hungary, Russia, Poland, Germany, Israel). And how about banning all politicians from Auschwitz?


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In support of our prime-minister not going to Poland for the 80 year anniversary, I would advise that no official or even regular Israeli citizen attend this ceremony. Perhaps supporting Jews from other countries might feel the need to also avoid this anniversary in Poland too!

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These must be the "End Times".

The Rabbis told us what to expect:

"והאמת תהא נעדרת"

(end of מסכת סוטה)


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