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I wrote something similar to a former friend today. He has risen to prominence in the frum community and if there is a din v'dayan either he or I will have to answer for ourselves because I find his lack of manhigus to be so grotesque as to be deserving of all the wrath our God hasn't shied away from mentioning.

If I'm wrong I will be the one squirming on that day but I do not believe that I am.

Now a confession. I arrived here via the unorthodox manner of having discovered that Substack can tell you with which other writers your audience overlaps and, apparently, though I don't recall knowing you, there are plenty of people who know and read both of us.

In the event that you're interested in seeing what I'm about and whether this fire and brimstone talk is the poetic imagination of a basement dwelling theoretician or something else, here's the letter I just posted which spurred substack into letting me know the extent of our mutual readership community.


A freilichen Purim and Shabbat Shalom my brother.


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